Well, here comes February 2023, the shortest month of the year. Just a little tidbit of knowledge for you. This month is a once in a lifetime month. There are exactly four Sundays, four Mondays, four Tuesdays, four Wednesdays, four Thursdays, four Fridays, and four Saturdays. This only happens once every 823 years. Enjoy it.

Just 28 days of chilly weather with a few pretty good days of warm weather. On Thursday, 2 February we have an American Legion meeting at the new Vet Hall. But this day is also Groundhog Day, or what we call “Bee Cave Bob Day” around here. Look it up. Bee Cave Bob is an Armadillo who comes out and looks for his shadow. No stinkin’ groundhogs around these parts anyway. You may not believe me, but this is true!

Four Chaplain’s Day is on 3 February. Read about these brave US Navy guys from the WWII era. An amazing story of bravery and valor. They were true heroes.

In the year 1910, the Boy Scouts of America was founded on 8 February. 113 years of teaching and bringing up young men correctly.

Former President Lincoln was born on 12 February. He was, and will always be known, as one of our greatest Presidents. You know the story. Teach it to your kids and grandkids.

Do not. I repeat, DO NOT forget 14 February. Hearts and Candy. Cards and Love. Flowers, lots of pretty Spring flowers… If you don’t remember, you will be reminded. Order some beautiful flowers for the one that you love. You will be a hero in your house. Cook her a breakfast or take her out to a nice place to eat. Make the bed. Clean up around the house. Just a few tips for the wise!!

Don’t forget to make the VFW meeting on Thursday, 16 February at the new Vet Hall too!

President’s Day is observed on Monday, 20 February. George Washington’s Birthday is actually on 22 February. Remember the General and our First President. He was a good man and a Patriot. He did not lie. We could use a little of this type of conduct right now. Ash Wednesday also falls on the 22nd.

Thus, closes out the month of February 2023. I will be back soon!

We hope that everyone had a very nice Christmas this past month and we hope that your New Year’s Eve was fun and safe.

Well, we have ended another year and we are starting a new one. I was hoping for the very best and I was hoping that the 2022-23 Tigers Football Team would be the 6A State Champions. This would have been so good for our school and our community. But it was not to be. The boys did an excellent job though. The coaches did an excellent job too. The Band, the Cheerleaders, and the High Steppers all did great. 2022 will be a year to remember. Go Tigers!!!

The Army Mules beat the Navy Goats, but just by the “skin of their teeth”, in double overtime on a last play field goal. But a win is a win. The Air Force Falcons won 10 games this year and beat Baylor 30-15 in the Armed Forces Bowl up in Ft. Worth. The Falcons also won the Commander’s Trophy this year by beating both Army and Navy. Scott R. is “on a high,” as he should be… very proud of his Falcons.

What does the first month of the year 2023 bring us? Sunday is New Year’s Day. If you had a hard Saturday night, then rest up and enjoy a few football games. Regular deer season ends on Sunday, 1 January. There is an extended Special Doe Season for about 15 more days. Close up camp. It’s all over for another year. Hope that you got a big one. Start thinking about going fishing.

The Persian Gulf War began on 17 January 1991. We are so proud of our Gulf War Veterans. What a great job you did in a very short time. Go over, do your job, and come home proudly. Thank you very much for your service. Perfect example of how to perform.

On the 27th of January 1973, the Vietnam Peace Accords were signed. You all know how the story ended. Thank each of our Vietnam Veterans for all that they did, for their dedication to duty, for coming home with their heads held high. You did what was asked of you. Thank you. We are proud of you and your service.

We are into the winter months, and it will be chilly for several more months. I hope that we do not have a bad cold spell as we did a while back. Just remember that Spring will be coming soon.

Hope that your January 2023 is a very nice month. See you soon in February.